AS3 Vector VS Array Benchmark (Read Access : int, String, Bitmap)


I have seen some benchmarks about Vector VS Array read access, but I wanted to test it myself. I have tested these data type : int, String and Bitmap.


Data type

The datatype used for filling the vector/array : int, String and Bitmap.


Loop style

20m = for(n:int=0; n<20000000; ++n)
100m = for(n:int=0; n<100000000; ++n)
(double loop)

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AS3 Vector.sort() VS Array.sort() Benchmark


Working on optimization can be fun, repetitive and mostly painful toward the end.
Here is my benchmark for the sort() function. I wanted to compare Array and Vector performances.


This randomizing function has been use as sorting function

test.sort(function(){return Math.floor(Math.random()*3)-1});


Data type

The datatype used for filling the vector/array : int


Loop style

1m = for(n:int=0; n<1000000; ++n)
2.5m = for(n:int=0; n<2500000; ++n)

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